Monday, March 25, 2019

Wolfgang Hampel, Vita Magica and his very successful book in English and German

Liebe Freunde von Vita Magica,
liebe Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

Betty MacDonald Fan Club Fans aus aller Welt sind sehr an Wolfgang Hampels Interviews, Geschichten und Gedichten interessiert. 

Sie können einige von Wolfgang Hampels neuen satirischen Geschichten und Gedichten im nächsten Betty MacDonald Fan Club Magazin lesen.

Wolfgang Hampel ist Journalist, Autor, Künstler und Poet.

Er ist der Träger des ersten Betty MacDonald Gedächtnispreises. 

Wie wir alle wissen gründete Wolfgang Hampel 1983 den Betty MacDonald Fan Club und die Betty MacDonald Society.  

Der Betty MacDonald Fan Club hat Mitglieder in 40 Ländern.

Wolfgang Hampels neue Betty MacDonald Dokumentation über Betty MacDonalds Leben in Boulder, Butte, Seattle, Laurelhurst, Chimacum, Vashon, Carmel und Carmel Valley ist wirklich faszinierend. Ein Höhepunkt sind Szenen von Bettys und Dons Leben in Carmel und Carmel Valley.

Wolfgang Hampel, Autor der Betty MacDonald Biografie, interviewte Betty MacDonalds Familie und Freunde und viele andere berühmte Künstler und Schriftsteller, z.B. Astrid Lindgren,  Truman Capote, J. K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, Donna Leon, David Guterson, Marie Marcks,  Ingrid Noll, William Cumming, Walt Woodward und Betty MacDonald Fan Club Ehrenmitglieder Monica Sone, Letizia Mancino, Darsie Beck und Gwen Grant.

Wolfgang Hampel ist auch sehr bekannt für seine satirischen Gedichte und Geschichten. 

Wir werden Wolfgang Hampels Werk den vielen Fans aus aller Welt vorstellen, die seine Betty MacDonald Biografie und die einzigartigen Betty MacDonald Interviews schätzen. 

Wolfgang Hampels sehr erfolgreiche monatliche literarische Veranstaltung  ist Vita Magica.

Wolfgang Hampel hat im Juli 2018 das sehr witzige und erfolgreiche Vita Magica Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ' veröffentlicht. 


Betty MacDonald Fan Club fans from all over the World  are very interested in Wolfgang Hampel's interviews, stories and poems.

You'll be able to read some of Wolfgang Hampel's new satirical stories and poems in our next Betty MacDonald Fan Club magazine.

Wolfgang Hampel is journalist, author, artist and poet.

He is the winner of the first Betty MacDonald Memorial Award.

As we all know Wolfgang Hampel founded Betty MacDonald Fan Club and Betty MacDonald Society in 1983. 

Betty MacDonald Fan Club has members in 40 countries. 

Wolfgang Hampel's new Betty MacDonald documentary of Betty MacDonald's life in Boulder, Butte, Seattle, Laurelhurst, Chimacum, Vashon Island, Carmel and Carmel Valley is really fascinating. My personal favourites are scenes of Betty's and Don's life in Carmel and Carmel Valley.

Wolfgang Hampel, author of Betty MacDonald Biography, interviewed Betty MacDonald's family and friends and many other famous artists and writers, for example Astrid Lindgren, Truman Capote, J. K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, David Guterson, Donna Leon, Ingrid Noll, Marie Marcks, William Cumming, Walt Woodward and Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour Members Monica Sone, Letizia Mancino, Darsie Beck and Gwen Grant. 

Wolfgang Hampel is also very well known for his satirical poems and stories.

We are going to share Wolfgang Hampel's work with many fans from all over the world who adore his Betty MacDonald Biography and unique Betty MacDonald Interviews. 

Wolfgang Hampel's very successful monthly literary event is Vita Magica. 

Wolfgang Hampel published his very witty and successful Vita Magica book ' Satire is my favourite animal ' ( Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ) in July 2018. 


Wolfgang Hampel's very witty book 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) is No 1 Buecher de TOP List.

Wolfgang Hampels sehr witziges Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) ist No 1 Buecher de TOP Liste.

Many greetings - viele Grüße

Mats - Schnell, Günstig, Versandkostenfrei

Ich habe dieses Buch gekauft, weil Krimi-Königin Ingrid Noll Wolfgang ... sehr, daß wir die monatliche literarische Veranstaltung Vita Magica von Wolfgang Hampel bald einmal besuchen können.

Wolfgang Hampel's Satire ist mein Lieblingstier in Buecher de TOP list 

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier - Satirische Gedichte - Wolfgang Hampel
Informationen über die Kultveranstaltung "Vita Magica" der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg  

Wolfgang Hampel - Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal )

Betty MacDonald, a very special politician and a year ago 
Roger Cicero - ESC winner 2007  

Many ESC fans from all over the world are so very sad because we lost Joy Fleming - one of the best singers ever. 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel sings  'Try to remember' especially for Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund at Vita Magica September

you can join 

Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald Society  

Vita Magica  

Eurovision Song Contest Fan Club 


Wolfgang Hampel - Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica Founder 

on Facebook

Vita Magica Betty MacDonald event with Wolfgang Hampel, Thomas Bödigheimer and Friedrich von Hoheneichen

Vita Magica 

Betty MacDonald 

Betty MacDonald fan club 

Betty MacDonald fan club on Facebook

Betty MacDonald forum  

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) - The Egg and I 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( Polski)   

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - LinkFang ( German ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Academic ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel -   

Wolfgang Hampel - DBpedia  ( English / German )

Wolfgang Hampel - people check ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Memim ( English )

Vashon Island - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - Monica Sone - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( French ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - Wikipedia ( English)

Wolfgang Hampel in Florida State University

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel 

Betty MacDonald fan club interviews on CD/DVD

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club - The Stove and I  

Betty MacDonald fan club groups 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund




Mittwoch, 22. August 2018

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier - Satirische Gedichte - Wolfgang Hampel

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier - Satirische Gedichte - Wolfgang Hampel

„Satire ist mein Lieblingstier“

Gedichte & Infos von Wolfgang Hampel

Heidelberg. Im Juli 2015 begann Wolfgang Hampel mit der literarisch musischen Reihe Vita Magica: 
Zum dritten Jubiläum veröffentlichte er nun das Buch „Satire ist mein Lieblingstier – Satirische Gedichte und Informationen über die Kultveranstaltung Vita Magica der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg“. Der Autor, Journalist, Poet und Sänger wurde in Heidelberg geboren und war in der Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung im Personal- und Rechnungswesen tätig.
Wolfgang Hampel gründete 1983 den Betty MacDonald Fan Club: 1996 interviewte er Familie und Freunde der weltberühmten amerikanischen Humoristin. Er besuchte alle Orte wo Betty MacDonald mit ihrer Familie lebte. Aufgrund von vielen Nachfragen internationaler Betty MacDonald Fans wurde 1999 der Betty MacDonald Fan Club Blog aus der Taufe gehoben. Wolfgang Hampels Betty MacDonald Biografie, Interviews, Geschichten, Berichte und Gedichte fanden Leser in 40 Ländern. Sein Werk über Betty MacDonald ist auch in verschiedenen Büchern und Diplomarbeiten enthalten. Er ist Träger des ersten Betty MacDonald Gedächtnispreises. 

Wolfgang Hampel interviewte viele andere berühmte Künstler und Schriftsteller, wie Ingrid Noll, Astrid Lindgren, Truman Capote,J. K. Rowling, Maurice Sendak, Donna Leon, David Guterson, Marie Marcks, William Cumming, Walt Woodward und Betty MacDonald Fan Club Ehrenmitglieder Letizia Mancino, Monica Sone, Gwen Grant und Darsie Beck.
Dieses Buch möchte für die Veranstaltung Vita Magica und die Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg begeistern. Es stellt die faszinierenden Akteure – darunter bekannte Autoren und Musiker – der erfolgreichen Reihe vor. Die Veranstaltung findet an jedem letzten Dienstag im Monat von 15.40 bis etwa 17.10 Uhr im Saal E06 der VHS/Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg, Bergheimer Straße 76, statt. (Ausnahme: Weihnachten, Ferien und andere Feiertage).
Im Programm der Vita Magica spielt Wolfgang Hampel von ihm verfasste Sketche, singt eigene Lieder und rezitiert seine beliebten satirischen Gedichte. Viele bekannte Autoren und Musiker aus Heidelberg und Umgebung bereichern das Programm mit ihren künstlerischen Beiträgen.
Auch Nichtmitglieder sind herzlich willkommen. Das aktuelle Vita Magica-Programm findet sich im Internet unter 

Related image

Wolfgang Hampel

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier

Satirische Gedichte

Mit Informationen über die Kultveranstaltung Vita Magica der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg
TRIGA Verlag, Gelnhausen-Roth
ISBN 978-3-95828-155-4
180 Seiten mit mehreren farbigen Abbildungen
Euro 13,--

Image result for Theresia Bauer Wissenschaftsministerin

Theresia Bauer

Landtagsabgeordnete für den Wahlkreis Heidelberg
Ministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst in Baden-Württemberg

Das besondere an "Vita Magica" zeigt sich bereits am Namen. Bücher haben etwas Magisches: Sie entführen uns in andere Welten, sie erzählen uns Geschichten von Menschen und Völkern und lassen uns teilhaben an kleinen und großen Ideen.
Ich selbst hatte bereits die Freude an zwei Lesungen - mit persönlich ausgewählten Texten - mitzuwirken. Mein besonderer Dank gilt Wolfgang Hampel, der "Vita Magica" nicht nur ins Leben gerufen hat, sondern auch mit großer Begeisterung und persönlichem Engagement maßgeblich zum heutigen Erfolg von "Vita Magica" beigetragen hat.

Herzliche Grüße

Ihre Theresia Bauer

Image result for Wolfgang Hampel Vita Magica

Prof. h. c. Dr. Karl A. Lamers

Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages seit 1994 (Wahlkreis Heidelberg/Weinheim)
Mitglied des Verteidigungsausschusses seit 1994

In nur drei Jahren wurde Vita Magica in der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Hampel zur Reihe mit Lesungen, musikalischen Darbietungen und kulturellen Highlights. Der 3. Geburtstag wurde in der Akademie für Ältere sehr würdig gefeiert. Zu diesem Anlass wurde ein Buch veröffentlicht, das neben satirischen Gedichten auch viele Informationen rund um Vita Magica und ihre Akteure beinhaltet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Lieber Herr Hampel!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 3. Geburtstag von "Vita Magica".

Ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Ihrem künstlerischen Wirken.

Herzliche Grüße

Dr. Karl. A. Lamers

Image result for prof. Würzner Heidelberg 2018

Prof. Dr. Eckard Würzner

Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Heidelberg

"Vita Magica" ist eine ganz besondere Veranstaltungsreihe mit großem Unterhaltungswert.
Die Literatinnen und Literatren nutzen die Kunst der Satire, Lyrik oder Prosa, um sich mit sehr verschiedenen Themen auseinanderzusetzen. "Vita Magica" ist ein fantastisches Beispiel für die herausragende literarische Produktivität in Heidelberg.
Ich möchte der Akademie für Ältere und vor allem Wolfgang Hampel herzlichst für sein Engagement danken! Er schafft es immer wieder, nicht nur ein tolles Programm zusammenzustellen, sondern auch interessante Gastleserinnen und Gastleser zu gewinnen.
Ich wünsche diesem Buch und natürlich auch der Veranstaltung weiterhin viel Erfolg!

Prof. Dr. Eckard Würzner 

Image result for Ingrid Noll

Ingrid Noll

Grande Dame der deutschsprachigen Krimiliteratur
Bestsellerautorin von "Der Hahn ist tot", "Die Apothekerin" und vielen anderen sehr erfolgreichen Büchern

Ich freue mich immer wieder auf's Neue, wenn ich ein lustiges Gedicht von Wolfgang Hampel bekomme.

Herzliche Grüße

Ingrid Noll

Related image

Tatjana Geßler

Autorin, Sängerin und TV Journalistin
Filmemacherin und Moderatorin beim SWR Stuttgart

Lieber Wolfgang,

gerne erinnere ich mich an die beiden Lesungen im Januar 2016 und Februar 2017 bei Vita Magica.

Ich komme immer gern nach Heidelberg - nicht nur weil es mein Geburtsort und meine Heimat ist, sondern weil ich vom Publikum der Vita Magica immer besonders herzlich empfangen wurde.

Eure Tatjana Geßler

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wolfgang Hampel, Betty MacDonald and golden laughter

Image result for nice afternoon Winter picmixImage result for Winter on Vashon Island
Image result for Betty MacDonald fan clubRelated image
Image result for Betty MacDonald
Image result for Betty MacDonald and Gammy
Image result for Betty MacDonald and Donald MacDonald
Image result for Betty MacDonald, daughters and Onions in the Stew

Image result for good evening cats  picmix
Related image

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

we hope wonderful Linde and her daughter will recover very soon.

We miss unique Linde so much. 

Come back, please.

Many  Betty MacDonald - and Hilde Domin fan club fans from all over the world - adore Letizia Mancino's THE SECOND PARADISE.

Thanks a million dearest Letizia Mancino and Mary Holmes. 

I have to laugh aloud when Betty MacDonald, her husband Donald Chauncey MacDonald and daughters Anne and Joan have their experiences with racoons and many other guests  at Dolphin Point on Vashon Island. 

Wolfgang Hampel and Betty MacDonald fan club research team are working on new Betty MacDonald fan club items.

New Betty MacDonald documentary will be very interesting with many interviews never published before.
It's simply great to read new very well researched  stories about Betty MacDonald, Robert Eugene Heskett, Donald Chauncey MacDonald, Darsie Bard, Sydney Bard, Gammy, Alison Bard Burnett,  Darsie Beck, Mary Bard Jensen, Clyde Reynolds Jensen, Sydney Cleveland Bard, Mary Alice Bard, Dorothea DeDe Goldsmith, Madge Baldwin, Don Woodfin, Mike Gordon, Ma and Pa Kettle, Nancy and Plum, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and others.


I agree. It's so very funny indeed when you listen to beloved Betty MacDonald and sister Alison Bard Burnett in Wolfgang Hampel's interviews. 

I listened to them once in a bus and laughed and laughed and I got very strange looks from many people.

Believe me  -  I'll never do it again. 
I'm reading Wolfgang Hampel's golden book ' Satire is my favourite animal ' right now and I can't stop laughing again but this happens in our living room. 
Yes, I have to  be careful!!!

Wishing you a great Sunday!



Wolfgang Hampel's very witty book 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) is No 1 Buecher de TOP List.

Wolfgang Hampels sehr witziges Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) ist No 1 Buecher de TOP Liste.

Many greetings - viele Grüße

Mats - Schnell, Günstig, Versandkostenfrei

Ich habe dieses Buch gekauft, weil Krimi-Königin Ingrid Noll Wolfgang ... sehr, daß wir die monatliche literarische Veranstaltung Vita Magica von Wolfgang Hampel bald einmal besuchen können.

Wolfgang Hampel's Satire ist mein Lieblingstier in Buecher de TOP list 

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier - Satirische Gedichte - Wolfgang Hampel
Informationen über die Kultveranstaltung "Vita Magica" der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg  

Wolfgang Hampel - Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal )

Betty MacDonald, a very special politician and a year ago 
Roger Cicero - ESC winner 2007  

Many ESC fans from all over the world are so very sad because we lost Joy Fleming - one of the best singers ever. 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel sings  'Try to remember' especially for Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund at Vita Magica September

you can join 

Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald Society  

Vita Magica  

Eurovision Song Contest Fan Club 


Wolfgang Hampel - Betty MacDonald fan club - and Vita Magica Founder 

on Facebook

Vita Magica Betty MacDonald event with Wolfgang Hampel, Thomas Bödigheimer and Friedrich von Hoheneichen

Vita Magica 

Betty MacDonald 

Betty MacDonald fan club 

Betty MacDonald fan club on Facebook

Betty MacDonald forum  

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) - The Egg and I 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( Polski)   

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - LinkFang ( German ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Academic ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel -   

Wolfgang Hampel - DBpedia  ( English / German )

Wolfgang Hampel - people check ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Memim ( English )

Vashon Island - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - Monica Sone - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( French ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - Wikipedia ( English)

Wolfgang Hampel in Florida State University

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel 

Betty MacDonald fan club interviews on CD/DVD

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club - The Stove and I  

Betty MacDonald fan club groups 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Wolfgang Hampel and new Betty MacDonald biography

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle author Betty MacDonald on Vashon Island

Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

do you like ' The Egg and I ' movie with Claudette Colbert as Betty and Fred McMurray as Bob?

What about Ma and Pa Kettle series with Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride as Ma and Pa Kettle?

Did Betty MacDonald enjoy them?

If you know the answer, send us a mail, please and you might be our Betty MacDonald fan club surprise winner.

      The Domestic Arts as Practiced in The Egg and I

Author Betty MacDonald's (Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle series) first and greatest success was the humorous semi-autobiographical novel The Egg and I published in 1945.  In 1947 Universal brought the book to the screen starring Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray as a couple transported from city life to a chicken farm in the mountains of Washington state.

Apparently, time spent in a foxhole in Okinawa gets a guy to thinking about the real things in life. For Bob (Fred MacMurray) these real things include his own little chicken ranch.  Presumably, one of the other real things he thought about were love and marriage.  Probably expecting his intended, Betty (Claudette Colbert) to understand him through telepathy, he waits until after they are married to announce that he has purchased the chicken ranch of his dreams and she's going to love it.


Betty, whose hands are used to twice weekly manicures and have never done anything rougher than play the piano, is a good sport and truly supportive of Bob, so off they go to live in the country.  The ranch is nothing more than a ramshackle group of buildings in desperate need of repair.  Bob views the whole thing through possibilities and rose-colored glasses.  Betty is not so optimistic, especially when she first meets the resident stove.

"I don't think it likes me."

"There!  I bet you never looked better in your life."


The victory of a well scrubbed floor.

You follow the instructions, it should work.

Maybe Betty should talk to her friend Ma Kettle.  Ma, Pa and their census taker's delight of a brood live down the road in a place no one would mistake for a photo spread in House Beautiful.


"When I was first married, Dearie, I was as neat as the next one.  I tried to keep my house and kids clean.  But Pa was an awful lazy so-and-so and it was fight, fight, fight all the time.  So I finally give it up.  I says I can't make Pa change and be neat so I'll have to change and be dirty.  Been peace in this house ever since."




"Just a drop of this and a drop of that, mix it together and shove it in the oven."

"I made one of these here quilts every year since we was married.  Got 'em in the closet in the spare room.  I figure it will be somethin' real nice to leave the kids when I die."


Don't worry, folks.  Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray co-starred in seven films.  They have the happy ending bit down pat.
Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride would play Ma and Pa Kettle in seven welcome sequels.  Marjorie would star as Ma in two more Kettle pictures after Kilbride's retirement.  Breakout stars!
What did I learn from the examples of housewifery set before me in this movie?  Well ... let's just say that I'm not as neat as Betty nor as messy as Ma, but I tend toward the casual line when it comes to tending to the old homestead and its occupants.  Yes indeed, very casual

Do you have any caricatures of Betty MacDonald?


We are working on this subject ' Betty MacDonald in caricatures ' and are very grateful for your support.

Our Betty MacDonald fan club honor members are unique personalities.

Wolfgang Hampel, Monica Sone's very good friend and author of Betty MacDonald and Ma and Pa Kettle biography told us that Monica Sone was always delighted to hear from her fans.

It's the same with our other Betty MacDonald Fan Club Honour members.

If you have any questions or greetings don't hesitate to send them, please.

The Betty MacDonald fan club honor members are very happy to hear from you.

I admire Monica Sone's book Nisei Daughter. 

Betty MacDonald was right when she described Monica as Kimi the way she did in her book The Plague and I.

Monica was very witty and intelligent although the subject of Nisei Daughter isn't a funny one. Just the opposite!

Don't miss '  The Egg and Betty ' and ' The Kettles' Million Dollar Egg ' by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel, please.

The updated versions with many new info, documents and photos are really fascinating. 

I adore the brilliant letter by Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Monica Sone. 

I share two reviews by Olivier Thill.

The Egg and Betty

Author: Wolfgang Hampel

Publisher: Betty MacDonald fan club
Electronic file. 2002 

Updated version with many new info, documents and photos in 2016

Rating: ****

This is the study of the bestseller, The Egg and I, by Betty MacDonald, first printed in 1945. You can read many fascinating thoughts from readers of The Egg and I and the long and careful investigation undertaken by the founder of Betty MacDonald fan club.

  • A lesson in crosspurposes or Too much scrubbing takes the life right out of things
  • They were all quite drunk but still jovial or Birdie Hicks the second
  • My friend Betty or A letter from Kimi
  • A far cry from the Smith brothers and/or a real bastard?
  • Put out that match or Do you want me to start the greatest firework you've ever seen?
  • How long will the forests last? or Where is the spotted owl?
  • The type of female the pioneers were tickled pink to give the Indians as a hostage or I'm saving my old newspapers for you
  • The terrible nearness of the mountains or A hell of a place to live
  • Who is who? or Old McDonald' had a farm
  • The good guy in The Egg and I or A long search with the help of an ex-FBI man who had helped catch Dillinger
  • The Egg and I road or People on this road are pretty private
  • A smile from Chimacum or How beautiful is it to be human
  • Huge fans of Betty's or The "Kettles" were just trying to feather their own nests...
  • Photos

Wolfgang Hampel has made funny and enigmatic titles like Betty MacDonald did.

This first chapter is an informal discussion about two families, the Kettles and the Hicks, who where the closest neighbors of Betty. 

A  "Betty Expert" ventured the hypothesis that the name Hicks derives from the adjective "hick" meaning rural and uncouth.
Wolfgang Hampel unveils the truth which was not easy to guess and to find, and which is completely different.
The second chapter starts with a few words about the Kettles. The rest of the chapter is about the representation of the Indians in MacDonald's book.

Wolfgang Hampel has asked the opinion of readers, and publishes their very interesting reactions

The next chapter entitled "a letter from Kimi" is also about the Indians. It ends with a very imporant letter from Kimi who in reality was author Monica Sone, first Betty MacDonald fanc club honor member and a very good friend of Betty MacDonald and Wolfgang Hampel.  

The next chapter is about Betty's first husband, Robert Eugene Heskett

Wolfgang Hampel  reveals a very interesting lie of Betty, which is that before marrying Bob, she already lived in the country, not in town. 

Knowing the real life of Bob makes you feel more pity for  poor Betty. One might also wonder why she has been so eager to quit her home at an early age, accepting to fly away with an old alcoholic as a result. 

In the next chapter the truth is told about the fate of the farm after Betty and Bob left it. 

In the rest of the book, you'll discover many other interesting things.

I won't go into details here (although I have carefully read every line till the end), because the purpose of a review is only to give an idea of the content of a book.

Wolfgang Hampel has done a wonderful work of research. 

Now, every reader of Betty MacDonald's The Egg and I has the possibilty of learning the true story, which, personally, I find more interesting than the semi-fiction it inspired.

The Kettles' Million Dollar Egg

Author:Wolfgang Hampel

Publisher: Betty MacDonald fan club
Electronic file. 2002 

Updated version with many new info, documents and photos in 2016

Rating: ****

The Kettle's Million Dollar Egg is an historical account of a trial. 

Betty MacDonald is the author of The Egg and I, which turned out to be a best-seller. It was adapted to the screen. A movie was made, and proved to be very successful too. Afterwards " Ma and Pa Kettle"  appeared in a very successful series after the name of a couple of farmers who are not very flatteringly described by Betty MacDonald. Undoubtedly it is their dirtyness and dumbness that make the spectators laugh. The series was a big success.
The problem is that a family sues Betty MacDonald for having been exposed to ridicule in her book. The Bishop family believes she had been depicted by Betty MacDonald as the Kettle family.
The plaintiffs are the first to talk. On some issues, witnesses are asked to confirm or infirm what has been said.
A few days later, Betty MacDonald can talk. She is asked to tell in what circunstances she wrote the book.

Comments Being the defendant is not pleasant. Being in the witness stand is not always very easy:

She said a finer man never lived than Al Bishop and described his wife as a wonderful woman.
Cautioned by Judge Wilkins just to answer questions and not to volunteer information, Mrs. Madeline Bishop, a sprightly and alert woman, turned to the judge with a broad smile: "Am I talking too much, judge?" she asked.
"We all do that sometime," the judge remarked smiling.
"But I can't tell you unless I explain," she answered pertly.
According to her Albert Bishop had tremendous working habits, not at all like Paw Kettle in the book.
He had red hair "like that juror's", pointing to a young juror with red hair. Albert Bishop worked "like a dog, night and day." Her sister wasn' t profane as was Maw Kettle. "It was not a habit of hers. She was not a profane woman. She might say 'Doggone you' to a kid or something like that."
Several pictures of the Albert Bishop family which defense attorney Crandell sought to have introduced through Mrs. Bishops identification were ruled out of evidence as having no bearing on the case since they were taken a number of years before the time allegedly covered in THE EGG AND I.
As the last of the pictures was ruled out, Mrs. Bishop drew a photograph in a small round frame from her purse. "Here's one of my sister when she was a young woman," she remarked , " but I suppose that one has no bearing either." Then she put the picture before Judge Wilkins, commenting as she did so: "She's sweet, isn't she?"
The situation is absurd. When people are attacking others or defending themselves, they feel the need to say and do stupid things, as if it were the most stupid person who would be the winner in the end. The judge knows that natural inclination, he encourages the others to talk nonsense, and then, he rules out whatever he likes. Even if the Bishops are mostly interested in getting financial subsidies rather than in restoring their dignity and honour, they are nevertheless victims in some ways, because Betty's book changed their life. They had to deal with tourists, who wished to see the ranch where Betty lived. They had to recreate it, to reinvent a myth, to charge one dollar per visit, to declare they were the Kettles or to deny that according to circunstances.
The story is about a rebellion against mighty forces which are thwarting long-established plans and desires. The Olympian Gods want to make surprises, but the poor mortals don't like them.

Work and life of Betty MacDonald will be and had been honored by Wolfgang Hampel in Vita Magica. 

Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter November  includes the updated Betty MacDonald fan club essays ' Betty MacDonald in Hollywood' and  ' Betty MacDonald and Dorita Hess '. 

There is also an article about Betty MacDonald fan club letter collection.

We got very important info regarding the original 'The Egg and I' and the way Betty MacDonald described her first husband Robert Eugene Heskett and their neighbours.

Do you want to see photos of Betty MacDonald's beloved grandmother Gammy?

You can see several ones in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter March.

Isn't this great?

By the way I totally agree. The author of an oustanding Betty MacDonald biography needs a very good sense of humor.

We will be able to offer you very witty and exciting stories because of our outstanding Betty MacDonald research and many  interviews with Betty MacDonald's family and friends by Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel.

We are going to publish new Betty MacDonald fan club items including new Betty MacDonald interviews by Wolfgang Hampel.

Betty MacDonald fan club fans from 5 continents enjoy these unique very witty interviews and new ones will follow.

We hope we'll be able to read Wolfgang Hampel's  new very well researched  stories about Betty MacDonald, Robert Eugene Heskett, Donald Chauncey MacDonald, Darsie Bard, Sydney Bard, Gammy, Alison Bard Burnett,  Darsie Beck, Mary Bard Jensen, Clyde Reynolds Jensen, Sydney Cleveland Bard, Mary Alice Bard, Dorothea DeDe Goldsmith, Madge Baldwin, Don Woodfin, Mike Gordon, Ma and Pa Kettle, Nancy and Plum, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and others - very soon.

It' s such a pleasure to read them. 

Let's go to magical Betty MacDonald's  Vashon Island.

Take care,


Wolfgang Hampel's very witty book 'Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) is No 1 Buecher de TOP List.

Wolfgang Hampels sehr witziges Buch ' Satire ist mein Lieblingstier' ( Satire is my favourite animal ) ist No 1 Buecher de TOP Liste.

Many greetings - viele Grüße

Mats - Schnell, Günstig, Versandkostenfrei

Ich habe dieses Buch gekauft, weil Krimi-Königin Ingrid Noll Wolfgang ... sehr, daß wir die monatliche literarische Veranstaltung Vita Magica von Wolfgang Hampel bald einmal besuchen können.

Wolfgang Hampel's Satire ist mein Lieblingstier in Buecher de TOP list 

Satire ist mein Lieblingstier - Satirische Gedichte - Wolfgang Hampel
Informationen über die Kultveranstaltung "Vita Magica" der Akademie für Ältere in Heidelberg  

Wolfgang Hampel - Satire ist mein Lieblingstier ( Satire is my favourite animal )

Betty MacDonald, a very special politician and a year ago 
Roger Cicero - ESC winner 2007  

Many ESC fans from all over the world are so very sad because we lost Joy Fleming - one of the best singers ever. 

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel sings  'Try to remember' especially for Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund at Vita Magica September

you can join 

Betty MacDonald fan club

Betty MacDonald Society  

Vita Magica  

Eurovision Song Contest Fan Club 

on Facebook

Vita Magica Betty MacDonald event with Wolfgang Hampel, Thomas Bödigheimer and Friedrich von Hoheneichen

Vita Magica 

Betty MacDonald 

Betty MacDonald fan club 

Betty MacDonald fan club on Facebook

Betty MacDonald forum  

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( English ) - The Egg and I 

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( Polski)   

Wolfgang Hampel - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - LinkFang ( German ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Academic ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel -   

Wolfgang Hampel - DBpedia  ( English / German )

Wolfgang Hampel - people check ( English ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Memim ( English )

Vashon Island - Wikipedia ( German )

Wolfgang Hampel - Monica Sone - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( English )

Wolfgang Hampel - Ma and Pa Kettle - Wikipedia ( French ) 

Wolfgang Hampel - Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - Wikipedia ( English)

Wolfgang Hampel in Florida State University

Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel 

Betty MacDonald fan club interviews on CD/DVD

Betty MacDonald fan club items 

Betty MacDonald fan club items  - comments

Betty MacDonald fan club - The Stove and I  

Betty MacDonald fan club groups 

Betty MacDonald fan club organizer Linde Lund